The Windmill Inn
covid-19 Policy
Last updated: (09/04/21)
The Windmill Inn ("us", "we", or "our") operates (the "Site"). This page informs you of our policies regarding COVID-19 and procedure put in place in line with Government advice to protect the Health and Safety of our customers and staff.
In line with Government advice the risk assessments for The Windmill Inn are being reviewed weekly to ensure the risks of COVID-19 are being considered and acted upon. Impacts on existing food safety management systems are under constant review.
LAST UPDATED: 09/04/2021
From Monday 12 April, outdoor hospitality can reopen as part of the step 2 of the roadmap out of lockdown.
This means:
businesses and venues can continue to operate, in a COVID-secure manner, other than those that remain closed in law
There will be no restrictions on opening hours (other than any specific planning or licensing restrictions that may apply) and for sale of alcohol
There is no requirement for your customers to purchase a substantial meal with a drink
Outdoor service only (this means that any structure must be at least 50% open to the air)
Table service only (for ordering, consumption and payment)
Maximum number of two households or up to six people from different households
Social distancing requirements will apply (2 metres or reduction to 1 metre with mitigation)
Customers to wear face-covering when passing through (eg: going to the toilet) permitted indoor areas such as to access toilets
Staff have been made fully aware that they must be fit for work at all times and must not be suffering from, or carrying, an illness or disease that could cause a problem with food safety.
During COVID-19, should any staff display any symptoms of the disease they have been instructed to follow the government’s ‘Stay at Home’ guidance. Staff fully understand the Companies Fitness to Work policy and are made aware of any updates that have been made in relation to COVID-19.
Food Safety
Risk Assessments have developed the companies guidelines for allergen and hygiene requirements for distance selling. Where the companies food is sold online allergen information is provided for on-line ordering and at point of any menu distribution and food collection.
All ‘Almost’ Takeaway services are for food collection by the customer only. No company transport is utilised for food delivery.
Reusable Containers
The company has reviewed food safety practices for accepting customers’ reusable equipment and has agreed not to accept reusable containers back into the business after use. New containers are utilised for each ‘almost’ takeaway provided.
Thorough Cleaning of Premises and Equipment
All kitchen areas have been deep cleaned by a qualified specialist.
All all glasses, dishes and cutlery used by customers have been deep cleaned utilising the companies commercial dish and glass washing equipment using a recommended detergent rated for disinfection.
Cleaning and Disinfection
The companies cleaning, disinfection and hygiene procedures have been documented in line with the companies Food Safety Management System to produce safe food and reduce the risk of cross-contamination.
All objects and surfaces that are touched regularly are frequently cleaned and disinfected using the companies regular cleaning products.
Any chemicals used by the company are approved as food safe and meet BS EN standards and are used in line with the manufacturer’s instructions for preparation and for use.  
Managing Stock
Stock control
The company has reviewed all menu’s to ensure that ingredients or raw materials that have passed their use-by date are disposed of appropriately and that stocks are regularly inspected. Temperature control records are kept available.
Availability of Consumables
A stock take to ensure adequate stocks of suitable cleaning chemicals and other essential consumable items such as disposable gloves takes place monthly.
Staff Training
All staff have received the appropriate supervision and training in food hygiene, enabling them to handle food in the safest way.
Skills are taught in official training programmes as well as :
training on the job
relevant prior experience.
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
The use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) has been considered by the company for the protection of workers, and where appropriate to prevent the contamination of food during production.
The use of PPE is set out in the companies Food Safety Management System (FSMS), falling in line with the companies current Health & Safety at Work policy. In addition:
staff have been trained on the importance of frequent handwashing and maintaining good hygiene practices in food preparation and handling areas.
Employees should wash their hands for at least 20 seconds, especially after being in a public place, blowing their nose, coughing, sneezing and collecting plates/glassware.
Employees have also been trained to ensure that objects and surfaces that are touched regularly, are frequently cleaned, and disinfected using the companies regular cleaning products.
Hand Sanitiser is provided on every table, entry and exit points and outside the toilet facilities.
Staff have been trained to ensure that they know that the best way in which food handlers can maintain good personal hygiene is by frequently washing their hands and that gloves can be used as an aide to good food hygiene practice but should not be considered a substitute for a thorough regime of effective hand washing. The COVID-19 virus (and other viruses as well as bacteria) can contaminate disposable gloves in the same way it gets onto workers’ hands.
The company has made gloves available to all staff should it be necessary i.e when emptying bins / deep cleaning etc..
Face Masks
The company did not originally identify a requirement to wear face masks but following a change in government guidelines on 23rd October 2020 the use of facemasks is now compulsory
The company has made face masks available to all staff and it is now a requirement for all customers to wear face masks while not seated at their tables. The company provides suitable Face Masks for any customer who may arrive on the premises without one.
Service is table service only and there is no need for customers to leave their table whilst dining with the exception of utilising toilet facilities.
Face Coverings
The company has not identified a requirement to wear face coverings while it continues to trade outside only.
Social Distancing
The company has carried out risk assessments based on a 2-meter social distancing rule wherever possible and in any circumstance no less than 1 meter. The companies Risk Assessment includes all details regarding social distancing for both employees and customers and the steps needed to reduce the risk of spreading coronavirus.
Current restrictions mean no reservations are available. Tables are allocated on a first-come first-served basis.
All customers must give their name, postcode, house number, and telephone number for track and trace requirements. These records are held on file for 22 days.